Sunday, August 14, 2016


A house-sized bee (hornet?) hive

A week ago, I noticed a flock of little bees or hornets swarming around the front of the cabin. They were crawling into the wall through a gap in the siding (replaced siding didn't quite match the old siding).

Insecticide and some caulk was applied. A week later there are a few of the critters still around and some gaps in the caulking.

Oh, good, some more work to do so we don't have a wall full of hornets (or bees).


Strange car in the neighborhood

An unusual car appeared in the woods. Waiting for details.


An alternative to Delta

The Blake Lakes Airline expanded to a new port on the west side of Little Blake yesterday. However, judging from the take offs and landings, the airline might want to consider a slightly smaller plane for regular service.

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