Thursday, July 06, 2006


Blake Lake's Bambi has two daddies

I was working away at Sidetrack's dining table. I got up to stretch and walk about. I went to the lake room and looked out into the back yard.

There was a deer, antlers still covered with velvet, staring at me from the grass above the retaining wall. I took another step into the room and two more deer came into view. One was another velvet anterled male and the other was an out-of-spots fawn about half the size of the others.

The first deer I'd seen gave me a look (or perhaps a sniff) and turned away. The other male turned and led the way up the driveway toward the road and the woods. The fawn followed and the first male followed the other two.

It would seem that Little Blake's Bambi has two daddies.

Oh, and this morning during my sunrise canoe ride, I bumped into dinner plate-sized (10-12 inches across) turtle as I drifted in the water north of Skip's dock. I thought I was approaching a mass of floating weeds, but as I got closer I thought what I saw was the scaley back of a large fish. Then just before the keel of the canoe went "Bump!" against the shell, I saw the whole critter. It dived quickly out of the way after the collision and did not attack or overturn the canoe.



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