Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Early spring at Little Blake
Recon at Sidetrack last weekend showed that all's pretty well. Everything worked and the only real problem was the blue mouse poison pellets that had been stored under the comforter by energetic mice. What's with the mice, carrying the stuff around? No dead Mickeys lying around as far as we could tell. Maybe they crawled under the comforters on the spare beds?
The only buds I saw were on a lilac bush in the back yard. A few plants are pushing up in the garden.
The old fireplace by the lake has to go.
It's ready to fall over. And with two growing boys next door, the chances are that somebody will be climbing on that thing before long.
The builders were not content with putting stones in a circle for fires by the lake. They built a fireplace with a chimney.
The sides of the fire pit were gone when we first saw it. Over the past decade or so rocks have fallen off of the structure. And now the whole thing rocks back and forth.
It won't take much to put it on the ground. The hard part will be breaking it up into pieces small enough to cart off.
It seems to have flattened conduit used as rebar to hold things together.
I'm not sure if the builders signed their work or named the structure, but "Red Tom" is the name. Too bad, but Red Tom will be on the ground before summer and Will and Charlie show up too much.
Got some garden clean up done, even in Sunday's rain. Read a book. (Although I fell asleep on the lake room couch Saturday night. I thought I slept for half an hour and woke up thinking it was too early to go to bed. It turns out I'd slept for over 2 hours and I was ready to go to bed.) Then I slept until 7:45 on Sunday morning. Well, that's one of the reasons to be at Sidetrack and offline.
Maybe we'll get back after the storms this weekend.
The only buds I saw were on a lilac bush in the back yard. A few plants are pushing up in the garden.

It's ready to fall over. And with two growing boys next door, the chances are that somebody will be climbing on that thing before long.
The builders were not content with putting stones in a circle for fires by the lake. They built a fireplace with a chimney.

It won't take much to put it on the ground. The hard part will be breaking it up into pieces small enough to cart off.

I'm not sure if the builders signed their work or named the structure, but "Red Tom" is the name. Too bad, but Red Tom will be on the ground before summer and Will and Charlie show up too much.

Maybe we'll get back after the storms this weekend.