Monday, May 17, 2010


There be bears (and beavers)

On Saturday, Gary (over on Big Blake) saw a black bear and two cubs just across the road from his place near the south end of the lake.

On Friday, I discovered that the suet feeder here had been pulled off the tree and pried open. The only non-human critter I can imagine that's tall and strong enough to do that is a bear. That goes with what I think was bear poop in the deck stairs last summer.

And neighbor Larry alerted me to the beaver who's haunting the eastern shore. Then last night I saw it three times as it swam back and forth. Exercise? Looking for food? Looking for a mate? Looking for a dam site?

I walked to Blake School and back this morning. Just 'cause I'm at the lake is no reason to avoid my morning constitutional. No bears on the walk. Thankfully.

It looks to be another beautiful day. Will that make proofreading more difficult? (I'm working on chapter 5 (out of 14) now.

What wonderful luxury.

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