Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Quiet and cool

I did get back to Sidetrack last weekend (the first weekend in October). It was really cool. I mean, slightly cold!

I sat and talked with neighbor Larry for awhile on Saturday morning and got chilled. I spent most of the rest of the day trying to warm up.

Did some reading and some cleaning and took in the decking on the dock. Relaxing and enjoyable.

Scared a couple muskrats out of the weeds when I went out to work on the dock. One of them swam up the shore and hid. The other floated quietly next to a lily pad hoping I wouldn't notice it was there.

Sunrise on Sunday morning was bright and clear. And a joy.


What a beautiful place you have there on the Lake! And the photos are a delight to to my eyes :-)
Thanks for stopping by our blog.
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