Sunday, May 05, 2013
Dealing with damages last summer
Somehow, this didn't get published last summer. I wrote it on August 3rd. I guess I saved it as a draft, but never posted it.
Here it is for the historical record:
August 3, 2012:
We traveled back up to Sidetrack today.
I had a 1:00pm appointment with a contractor who wanted the job of cleaning up the trees that came down in the yard.
I learned at the Andersen Window dealer that Andersen no longer makes skylights, so we'll have to completely replace the skylight.
While there waiting for the contractor, the insurance adjuster appeared. He did his inspection and came to what I thought was a good conclusion. The only real surprise was his conclusion that the steel roofing on the lake side will have to be replaced (along with the skylight).
[Here's what the deck looked like after being partially cleaned off.]
[The deck acquired a dip when the tree drove the support posts farther into the ground.]
[The Henny Handrail will have to be rebuilt.]
Then the contractor arrived with his bid for the clean up and his son's bid for repair work.
What a great result. The bids were nearly identical with the insurance estimates.
All is G for go.
Then a little later the construction contractor arrived to go over details of the repairs.
Nancy repaired the broken glass in the kitchen window. David and I picked up small branches and the boat.
[See where the boat ended up after fleeing its storage position down by the lake? It was up next to Skip's foundation.]
Then we all cleaned the deck. It was VERY hot and VERY humid. No fun.
At least a big fish skeleton probably left by an eagle and the blossoming tiger lilies were great distractions.

About 4:30, we came home to the air conditioning and showers.
Here it is for the historical record:
August 3, 2012:
We traveled back up to Sidetrack today.
I had a 1:00pm appointment with a contractor who wanted the job of cleaning up the trees that came down in the yard.
I learned at the Andersen Window dealer that Andersen no longer makes skylights, so we'll have to completely replace the skylight.
While there waiting for the contractor, the insurance adjuster appeared. He did his inspection and came to what I thought was a good conclusion. The only real surprise was his conclusion that the steel roofing on the lake side will have to be replaced (along with the skylight).

Then the contractor arrived with his bid for the clean up and his son's bid for repair work.
What a great result. The bids were nearly identical with the insurance estimates.
All is G for go.
Then a little later the construction contractor arrived to go over details of the repairs.
Nancy repaired the broken glass in the kitchen window. David and I picked up small branches and the boat.

Then we all cleaned the deck. It was VERY hot and VERY humid. No fun.
At least a big fish skeleton probably left by an eagle and the blossoming tiger lilies were great distractions.

About 4:30, we came home to the air conditioning and showers.
Labels: Storm damage